A new bridge over the Kur River will be built on the Alat-Osmanli section of the Alat-Horadiz-Agband railway line, Report's Aran bureau reports that after the completion of the bridge, reconstruction of the old railway bridge will begin.
The construction is being carried out by Korpu-Bina-Tikinti LLC by order of Azerbaijan Railways CJSC.
The head of the construction control department of the company, Aflan Sadigli, told the local bureau of Report that the construction of a new railway bridge on the Kur River section in the territory of Shirvan began at the outset of the year:
"The reconstruction of the existing bridge across the Kura River on the Alat-Osmanli section of the Alat-Horadiz-Agband railway line and the construction of a new bridge parallel to it are underway. The length of the bridge is 260 meters, and 5.7 meters in width. The main part of the bridge will consist of reinforced concrete structures, and the rest of the parts will consist of metal structures.
Before the construction, a temporary overpass was built on the Kur River for the normal movement of heavy equipment and other vehicles.
The head of the department added that the implementation of the project will have a positive impact on the creation of infrastructure in settlements along the railway, in the districts liberated from occupation: "After the completion of construction work and commissioning, the railway bridge will have strategic and economic importance for our country."
The construction of the new railway bridge is scheduled to be completed within two years.