Baku. 7 January. REPORT.AZ/ The Ministry of National Security of Azerbaijan has detained a group of Azerbaijan citizens, who took part in fights in Syria as part of the illegal armed formations in the result of investigative activities, the department on public relations of the ministry said.
Azerbaijani citizens Mustafayev Elkhan, Rasulov Bakhruz, Azizov Kamran, Alikhanov Nadir, Shahbazi Bakhtiyar, Shahbazi Bakhruz, Muhammadzadeh Sadigh, Hajiyev Rahim, Sultany Vidadi and Aslanov Ramil, detained as suspects in the result of investigative activities, conducted by the ministry of national security, for creation of armed forces or groups, not provided by the legislation of Azerbaijan, as well as participation in their creation and activity, their provision with arms, ammunition, explosives, military engineering or military equipment, as well as for other actions that are contrary to the law, according to the report of the Ministry.
A criminal case was initiated under the articles 12.1, 279.1 (creation and participation in illegal armed formations outside of Azerbaijan), 28, 283-1.3 and 283-1.3 (involving of Azerbaijan citizens or non-citizen persons residing in Azerbaijan, into the armed conflicts outside of Azerbaijan in order to disseminate religious teachings, under the guise of performing religious rites, or on the grounds of religious hatred, or implementation of military drills for this purpose, or creation of a sustainable group acting for this purpose, or management of such a group) of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan.
The above persons were charged and a preventive measure in the form of arrest was chosen against them by the court.