Russian politician: Azerbaijan can become an example for all post-Soviet countries

Russian politician: Azerbaijan can become an example for all post-Soviet countries ​"Azerbaijan never gave reasons to doubt the sincerity of its intentions and the desire to develop relations with Russia."
Foreign policy
November 23, 2019 15:41
Russian politician: Azerbaijan can become an example for all post-Soviet countries

"Azerbaijan never gave reasons to doubt the sincerity of its intentions and the desire to develop relations with Russia."

Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Foreign Affairs Konstantin Kosachev told Russian bureau of Report at 10th Russian-Azerbaijan Interregional Forum.

"One of the main indicators is the attitude in Azerbaijan to the Russian language, to the Russian-speaking population and to our common past. In this sense, Azerbaijan can become an example for any other post-Soviet country. This, of course, creates the necessary moral basis in order to move forward in all areas, primarily in the economic. Trade between our countries is growing every year. Our relations are also developing in the social and humanitarian spheres, " - K. Kosachev said.

According to him, all this creates the basis for long-term cooperation, which is so necessary for the peoples of Russia and Azerbaijan.

"We are on the right track. We are adding an inter-regional dimension to this cooperation, and today's inter-regional forum suggests that this interest is mutual, it is stable, it is serious and for a long time, "K. Kosachev concluded.

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