French and US embassies express their condolences to family of deceased ANAMA employee

French and US embassies express their condolences to family of deceased ANAMA employee The embassies of France and the US in Azerbaijan have expressed their condolences to the family of Ragif Isayev, an employee of Azerbaijan National Agency for Mine Action (ANAMA), who died in an explosion during demining operations in the liberated Jabray
Foreign policy
June 21, 2024 17:09
French and US embassies express their condolences to family of deceased ANAMA employee

The embassies of France and the US in Azerbaijan have expressed their condolences to the family of Ragif Isayev, an employee of Azerbaijan National Agency for Mine Action (ANAMA), who died in an explosion during demining operations in the liberated Jabrayil district, the diplomatic missions shared posts on X social media, Report informs.

The diplomatic missions reiterated that France and the United States are seeking to support Azerbaijan in demining.

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