Main indicators of world commodity, stock and currency markets (01.02.2018)

Main indicators of world commodity, stock and currency markets (01.02.2018) Brent crude oil now makes 69,05/barrel
February 1, 2018 09:45
Main indicators of world commodity, stock and currency markets (01.02.2018)

Bakı. 1 fevral. REPORT.AZ/

  Last price Compared to previous day's price  Compared to beginning of year
Brent (dollar/barrel) 69,05 0,03 2,18
WTI (dollar/barrel) 64,73 0,23 4,31
Gold (dollar/ounce) 1343,1 3,1 33,8
Dow-Jones 26 149,39 72,5 1 430,17
S&P 500 2 823,81 1,38 150,2
Nasdaq 7 411,48 9 508,09
Nikkei 23 098,29 -209,17 333,35
Dax 13 189,48 - 8,23 271,84
FTSE 100 7 533,55 - 54,43 - 154,22
CAC 40 INDEX 5 481,93 8,15 169,37
Shanghai Composite 3 480,83 - 7,179 173,66
BIST 100 119 528,8 225,7 4 195,8
RTS 1 281,79 6,85 127,36
USD/EUR 1,2414 0,0012 0,0409
USD/GBP 1,4191 0,0044 0,0678
JPY/USD 109,19 0,41 - 3,5
RUB/USD 56,1922 - 0,191 - 1,4967
TRY/USD 3,7554 - 0,0255 - 0,0428
CNY/USD 6,2888 - 0,0351 - 0,218

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