ADIF appeals to "United Credit Bank" debtors

ADIF appeals to "United Credit Bank" debtors Bankruptcy doesn’t give right to neglect payment of debts
May 1, 2017 10:00
ADIF appeals to United Credit Bank debtors

Baku. 1 May. REPORT.AZ/ Azerbaijan Deposit Insurance Fund (ADIF) made an appeal to individuals and legal entities in debt to liquidated "United Credit Bank" OJSC.

Report informs, appeal says that according to the law on banks, only behaviors of the liquidator or the person empowered by it has legal power on behalf of the "United Credit Bank" OJSC.

Legal measures will be taken against entities and individuals who don’t make due payments for their debts to the bank. Bankruptcy of the credit institution doesn’t give right to neglect payment of debts. 

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