Search keyword: State Committee for Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons

PhotoAzerbaijani artists embark on groundbreaking tour to Sugovushan, Talish

As part of the implementation of clause 3.1.2 of the Action Plan of the First State Program on the Great Return, the State Committee for Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons organizes informative tours to Karabakh and East Zangazur for groups consisting of various creative professionals.

September 19, 2024 14:02
Alessandra Roccasalvo: UNDP plans to expand its activities in Karabakh

Roccasalvo emphasized that UNDP works closely with Azerbaijan's State Committee for Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons. "We are doing a lot of work in the areas of demining, training on mine clearance, and assistance to victims.

September 18, 2024 19:52
Azerbaijan relocates over 2,000 families to liberated territories

A total of 2,036 families (7,901 individuals) have been resettled in Azerbaijan's liberated territories, according to Report, which cites the State Committee for Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons.

August 8, 2024 16:48
PhotoAnother 21 families relocated to Shusha city get house keys

The families were welcomed by Executive Director of the Shusha City State Reserve Department Tural Novruzov, the employees of the Special Representative Office of the Azerbaijani President in the Shusha, as well as the State Committee for Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and others.

June 12, 2024 17:23
PhotoAnother 24 families relocated to Khojaly city get house keys

The families were welcomed by the employees of the Special Representative Office of the Azerbaijani President in the city of Khankandi, and the Aghdara and Khojaly districts, as well as the State Committee for Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and others.

May 29, 2024 15:46
PhotoBaku hosts conference on Great Return, reintegration and development as community

The conference "Great Return: Reintegration and Development as a Community", organized by the State Committee for Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons, was held in Baku.

November 17, 2023 18:56
PhotoState Committee: Former IDPs from Khankandi will soon return to their hometown

Chairman of the State Committee for Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons Rovshan Rzayev met in Ganja with former IDPs from the city of Khankandi and the village of Karkijahan, Report informs, citing the committee.

October 30, 2023 16:54
PhotoState Committee: Over 3,100 citizens returned to lands liberated from occupation

As part of the Great Return program, 3,188 former internally displaced persons (IDPs) have already returned to the liberated territories, Report informs referring to the board meeting of the State Committee for Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons.

October 30, 2023 16:25
Photo28 more families relocated to Fuzuli city get house keys

Report informs via AZERTAC that the families were welcomed by the employees of the Special Representative Office of the Azerbaijani President in the liberated territories of the Karabakh Economic Region (except Shusha district) as well as the State Committee for Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons

October 14, 2023 17:59
Photo Preparations launched for return of displaced persons to Khojaly

Chairman of the State Committee for Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons Rovshan Rzayev met with a group of internally displaced persons from Khojaly.

September 29, 2023 12:44