Scientific research on Azerbaijani women's socio-political activities before the 1917 socialist revolution has been internationally recognized for the first time, Turkish citizen of Azerbaijani origin, orientalist, philologist, and translator Melaike Huseyin told Report.
She successfully defended her doctoral dissertation "The Social Status of Women in Azerbaijan in the Light of Azerbaijani Journalism in the years 1875-1920" in English at the Warsaw University History Department with a unanimous decision by the commission.
The doctoral dissertation examined articles about women published in the Azerbaijani press during the specified period, along with writings by enlightened women and the philosophical movements of that era.
The author highlighted the favorable conditions that emerged in light of the development of ideological national identity characteristics in Azerbaijan. The research extensively covered women's roles in socio-political activities, journalism, philanthropy, education of children from low-income families, and their subsequent involvement in politics.
The dissertation supervisor, Professor Jerzy Grzybowski of Warsaw University, and other reviewing scholars highly praised the author's unbiased perspective and consideration of interdisciplinary aspects. It was noted that the research and facts presented in the dissertation regarding Azerbaijani women's socio-political activities before the socialist revolution are commendable.