Turkish hotels connect Russian payment systems to accept Mir cards

Turkish hotels connect Russian payment systems making it possible to accept not only Mir cards, but also Visa and Mastercard issued in Russia. Cards are already accepted in five Turkish hotels, Report informs, citing Izvestiya.

Papillon Zeugma Relaxury turned to the Russian service for accepting Sigma payments after the Turkish bank Ziraat refused to use Mir cards, the newspaper writes. In addition, Visa and Mastercard cards issued in Russia became available again at Papillon Belvil Hotel.

Representatives of the Turkish Nirvana, which the publication also refers to, assured that three hotels of this network continue to accept Mir cards, but did not disclose which bank or service processes transactions. In addition to Turkiye, other friendly states have connected domestic payment systems: in particular, PayAnyWay has become available on the territory of Belarus and Kazakhstan.

The central banks of Russia and Turkiye, NSPK, as well as other payment systems, including Sigma, did not answer Izvestia's question about how transactions with Mir cards are carried out in Turkiye.

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