Israeli minister names conditions for restoring international tourism

Israeli Tourism Minister Orit Farkash-Hacohen has presented a plan to revive international tourism in various industries, Report informs.

"To date, already 25% of Israel's population has received the vaccine. We can finally start making plans for the return of international tourism," Farkash-Hacohen said.

The minister noted that the announcement of the date for the resumption of flights for travelers should be based on the capsule tourism system, that is, dividing guests into groups. Before boarding the plane, tourists will have to confirm their health status using a 'green passport,' a certificate of recovery, or a negative COVID test result.

Farkash-Hacohen also proposed to immediately reopen hotels, provided that tourists present proof of health status. Moreover, according to her, Israelis can promptly open restaurants and cafes with a 50% load indoors and 100% outside. Tourists will also need medical certificates to visit restaurants.

Similar conditions are offered for sightseeing. All nature reserves may soon be operational - either under the rules for outdoor assemblies or subject to the presentation of health documents by travelers.

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