Baku. 10 February. REPORT.AZ/ The recent cities and regions of Azerbaijan's capital and the process of renaming streets and renovated room doesn't give ground for the replacement of identity cards.
This was the answer to a query in the Report on the State agency services to citizens and social innovation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Report was told by the spokesman for the State Committee on Property Issues Gulu Khalilov, renaming of streets doesn't give ground to replace identity cards and bills of sale, as the current system allows you to work both past and present addresses.Currently both old and current addresses remain in force.New addresses will be introduced when updating identity.As for the replacement of bills of sale, this is not necessary yet.
The process of renaming streets in the districts and cities of Azerbaijan carried out from June last year, by the State Committee of the Real Estate Cadastre for Property Affairs, the Centre for Technical Inventory and the Institute of Linguistics named after Nasimi of ANAS. Work in this direction continues.