Baku. 23 February. REPORT.AZ/ The US Embassy has sponsored the GULSAM Public Union for the Rehabilitation of People with Disabilities’ implementation of the "Legal Aid and Education for Human Rights” project, Report informs citing the US Embassy to Azerbaijan.
The project was held in Agsu, Jalilabad, Salyan and Baku over a period of six months, providing free legal aid to people with disabilities in regions. The goal of the project was to reach 15-20 individuals in each region, providing legal support and education on labor laws and specifically laws affecting individuals with disabilities.The project,begun in May 2017, involved 200 individuals who were provided with training in understanding their legal rights, as well as individual counseling sessions.The project’s closing event was attended by U.S. Embassy representatives, journalists, NGO leaders and people with disabilities
GULSAMis a non-profit organization providing support to people with disabilities in order to further their integration into mainstream society. In 2013, GULSAM implemented a project which organized tailoring classes for people with disabilities. It also hosted “Youth, Inc.,” a pilot program which taught youth business skills.