Social protection of families of martyrs and war disabled - priority of Ilham Aliyev's domestic policy

Four years have passed since the re-election of Ilham Aliyev as President of Azerbaijan. Remarkable social reforms carried out at the instruction of the head of state, decrees and orders signed by him ensured significant progress in the direction of the country's social development.

Musa Guliyev, Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Labor and Social Policy, Member of the Board of the Yeni Azerbaijan Party, told Report that the period of Ilham Aliyev's presidency will remain in the history of modern independent Azerbaijan as a period of rapid economic growth, state development, strengthening the power and international prestige of the country, success and great victories.

According to the parliamentarian, during the leadership of Ilham Aliyev, who won an overwhelming victory in the 2003 presidential election, the country's economy strengthened significantly, the gross domestic product grew 3.2 times, and the social welfare of citizens increased by 8.6 times, the minimum - by 12.9 times, the average monthly - by 7 times, and pensions - by 10 times. Over the years, Azerbaijan has fully completed its political and economic reforms, and after 2018 entered a period of deep social reforms.

On April 11, 2018, Ilham Aliyev was re-elected President, winning an overwhelming majority of votes. In his address to the people, the head of state said that he would do everything necessary to strengthen the social protection of the population, establish social well-being and social justice. It is no coincidence that the first decree of Ilham Aliyev, issued after he was elected president for the fourth time, is connected with the strengthening of the social protection of martyr families. At that time, Ilham Aliyev announced profound reforms. Additional funds are provided in the state budget of Azerbaijan. Since 2018, deep reforms have been carried out in the country. In January 2019, based on more than 30 presidential decrees and orders, two packages of social reforms were adopted. In late 2021 - early 2022, the third package of social reforms was adopted. Funds directed to the social sphere were increased by 6.5 billion manats. During 2018-2022, the minimum wage in Azerbaijan increased by 2.3 times, the average monthly wage rose by 40 percent, the minimum pension grew 2.2 times, and the average pension surged by 65%.

The lawmaker stressed that in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic, President Ilham Aliyev once again demonstrated his leadership on a global scale: “The head of our state put forward proposals and implemented measures to combat the pandemic, which are necessary not only for Azerbaijan, but for all mankind as a whole. At the same time, Ilham Aliyev, as the Supreme Commander, having united his people and army around him during the 44-day Patriotic War, managed to liberate the Azerbaijani lands from occupation and ensure the territorial integrity of the country. Social protection of the families of martyrs and war disabled in the post-war period is considered as a priority in President Ilham Aliyev's domestic policy.”

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