Safeguarding the future: Azerbaijan marks Children's Day

Today, Azerbaijan celebrates International Children's Day, a day dedicated to the protection and well-being of children worldwide, according to Report.

This special occasion traces its roots back to June 1, 1950, when the United Nations General Assembly organized an International Women's Conference, where the decision was made to devote this day to the protection of children.

Azerbaijan, like all democratic nations, places great importance on safeguarding the rights of children. The country has ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, recognizing that children's rights are an integral and essential part of human rights. Azerbaijan strives to create an environment where children can grow up healthy, well-rounded, and as worthy citizens of the nation. After all, children are our future, and the future of the country lies in their hands.

The Heydar Aliyev Foundation, embodying the ideas of national leader Heydar Aliyev, plays a significant role in implementing large-scale initiatives for children.

First Vice-President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, and ISESCO Goodwill Ambassador Mehriban Aliyeva pays special attention to children in need of extra care and those deprived of parental care. The Foundation focuses on supporting refugee and internally displaced families, as well as underprivileged children, ensuring that their rights are protected and their talents are nurtured.

Moreover, the Foundation actively works towards involving and integrating children with disabilities into society.

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