Representatives of Azerbaijan’s MIA to visit Hungary

Baku. 22 September. REPORT.AZ/ OSCE Project Coordinator in Baku supports the visit of the government officials and civil society representatives of Azerbaijan to Hungary who are working on preventing and struggling against trafficking in human beings together with the Hungary’s Ministry of Internal Affairs, Report informs referring to the press service of OSCE.

A five-day experience visit started today is a part of the Project Coordinator’s project on "struggle against trafficking in human beings". The main aim of this project is to support the exchange of successful experiences and discussion of outcomes on the struggle against human trafficking.

OSCE Project Coordinator, Ambassador Alexis Shahtakhtinski said that OSCE supported the Azerbaijan’s efforts to struggle against every form of modern slavery and exploitation: “Human trafficking is a transnational threat in the OSCE region and we assist to Azerbaijan in the implementation of the third National Act Plan approved by Azerbaijani President on July 25, 2014. I believe that the exchange of successful experience of other countries that are members of the OSCE will help to Azerbaijan in order to progress further on the prevention and prosecution of human trafficking and also, protection of victims of trafficking in human beings.”

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