Population in Ukraine rapidly declines

Baku. 18 December. REPORT.AZ/ The population of Ukraine has decreased by more than 150,000 people over the last three quarters.

Report informs citing the Vesti Ekonomics, the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine says.

From 1993 to 2016 years, the population of Ukraine decreased from 52.2 million people to 42.8 million. According to the Committee, in 2016, the country's population decreased by 176,000 people. Currently, 61 newborn fall per 100 dead.

Meanwhile, population census was last conducted in Ukraine more than 15 years ago - in 2001. The census showed that 48.5 million people live in the country.

Ukrainian authorities are trying to determine the population of the country by proxy indicators: the consumption of bread or electricity. Such indicators show that 25-30 million people live in Ukraine. "Every day, 500 Ukrainians growing smaller in our country", Verkhovna Rada deputy Andrey Shipko.

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