"Increase of population in Azerbaijan is a sign of high socio-economic development in the country," Mr. Karl Kulessa, UNFPA Representative in Turkey and Country Director for Azerbaijan, Georgia said.
He said that when couples decide to have children they take into account the economic situation: "Though couples want to have more children in most Eastern European and Caucasian countries, the economic situation in the country does not allow and they expect this situation to improve."
According to Kulessa, the UN Population Fund and the Government of Azerbaijan have very strong cooperation: "The Foundation cooperates with Azerbaijan on gender issues, reproductive health, social services and other areas. The Azerbaijani government has a perfect health care system. The government supports women's access to health care services and we welcome it. The Foundation holds discussions with the Government of Azerbaijan about family planning and contraception issues. These discussions are held perfectly, constructively and productively. "
Noting that the UN Population Fund has been operating in Azerbaijan for 20 years, the country director expressed gratitude to the Azerbaijani government for its active support for the implementation of the organization's projects: "The Government of Azerbaijan is ready to support some of the projects of UN Nations Population Fund and therefore we are thankful to the Administration of the President of Azerbaijan for the perfect collaboration. This is an innovative approach. Even the governments of European countries still do not directly support projects of the Fund that meet common interests. "
Notably, Kulessa attended the regional conference entitled "Population dynamics and demographic experience in Eastern Europe and Central Asia" held in Tbilisi, Georgia.
The event was organized by the United Nations Population Fund in Georgia and regional offices in Eastern Europe and Central Asia with the support of the Georgian government.