Consultation mechanisms of Azerbaijani youth presented in Europe

Baku. 4 October. REPORT.AZ/ Young people from Azerbaijan attended the Forum of Network of European Youth Capitals in Cluj-Napoca, Romania with participation of 9 countries.

Report informs that Member of the Youth and Sports Committee of Milli Majlis, Deputy Nagif Hamzayev, head of the Ganja City Youth and Sports Headquarters Mushfig Jafarov, member of the Supervisory Board of Azerbaijan Youth Foundation Seymur Valiyev, Ganja Youth House Methodist Shahriyar Hajiyev and volunteer of the European Youth Capital 2016 Public Union Shabnam Aliyeva represented Azerbaijan at the event.

The main objective of the Forum was to develop the urban consultation mechanisms of the European Youth Capitals and create an exemplary model. A number of proposals of the Azerbaijani delegation were discussed and supported at the forum.

During the meeting, Mayor of Kluj Napoca city Emil Bokla discussed a number of projects. The presentation, which reflects the consultation mechanisms used by Ganja for youth during the visit, was met with interest by the forum participants.

The delegation represented in the forum was received by Niyazi Bayramov, head of Ganja City Executive Power. He has given recommendations to young people.

Mubariz Aslanov

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