Baku Zoo open to visitors

The Baku Zoological Park, reconstructed at the initiative of the founder and head of the IDEA Public Union Leyla Aliyeva, has opened its doors to visitors, Report informs that the first visitors to the park were about 450 children from boarding schools and martyrs’ families.

The executive director of the park, Nazakat Isayeva, told reporters that the ticket offices here will be open every day from 10 am to 17:30 pm. According to her, today the box office will be open from 15:00. The cost of tickets will be AZN5 for adults and AZN2 for children. Entrance to the zoo for members of martyrs’ families is free, discount tickets can be purchased by veterans and their children, invalids of the Patriotic War of I-II-III groups, pupils and students. Children under 3 years old can also use free admission.

The executive director added that a COVID-19 passport will be required when entering enclosed spaces, aquaterrarium and restaurants on the territory of the zoo: "In general, the zoo area has doubled and reached 4.25 ha. There are 125 animal species in the park. Some 62 of them are located in the aquaterrarium. The zoo also displays the species of animals listed in the Red Book.

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