Actor Fuad Poladov dubbed Hollywood film in Azerbaijani - PHOTO

Baku. 24 November. REPORT.AZ/ American Pastoral (Hollywood) was dubbed into Azerbaijani for local cinemas with the participation of well-known persons in Azerbaijan - People's Artist Fuad Poladov, TV presenters Afag Ganjali, Tural Asadov, dancer Oksana Rasulova and actress Parvin Abiyeva.

Report informs, CinemaPlus has posted.

Notably, the film was produced based on novel of the same name by American writer Philip Roth.

The film deals with an exemplary American - law-abiding citizen, a loving husband and caring father, owner, heir of the factory after his father's death.

The drama's director and leading actor is famous Scottish actor Ewan McGregor. 

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