Film about fire at Notre Dame to be premiered in mid-March

A documentary about the fire at Notre Dame Cathedral, Notre-Dame Br le, will be released on March 16, according to the BFMTV channel.

Report informs citing TASS that the budget of the film, directed by Jean-Jacques Annaud, amounted to 30 million euros. It stars Samuel Labarthe, known, in particular, for the TV series "The Mysterious Murders of Agatha Christie" and Jeremy Laerte ("The Life of Adele").

According to the director, the film recreates the chronology of the devastating fire at the heart of Paris in the most detailed way. At the same time, about 5% of the screen time is occupied by documentaries. Filming mostly took place in real buildings, in particular, the Bourges Cathedral.

"We used real fire because the use of computer graphics reduces the effect," said Jean-Jacques Annaud.

The fire broke out at Notre Dame Cathedral on the evening of April 15, 2019. The investigation established that the fire occurred in the spire, where repair work had been carried out a few hours earlier.

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