Cole Durham: Most egregious example of Islamophobia is Myanmar events

Islamophobia in France has a lot to do with the idea that religion should be "private" and Islam is in many ways a "public" religion, President of the G20 Interfaith Forum (US) Cole Durham told Report.

"Islam is in many ways a public religion, given the attributes. For example, the hijab demonstrates faith. In addition, there are differences between the French understanding of religion in social life and the Islamic way of life," he said, adding that such problems almost do not occur in the United States.

Cole Durham noted that the most egregious example of Islamophobia at present is the events in Myanmar, "where people are being killed, evicted and there is a real genocide."

"It is tough to explain such irrational and pathological hatred. I think that education can change a lot. We need to break stereotypes," he said.

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