CMO says Friday prayers to be held alternately

"Mosques have been closed for almost two years due to the pandemic. According to the relevant decision of the Task Force under the Cabinet of Ministers, the activities of places of worship (not more than 50% of the places of worship at the same time - 50 people in total) will resume from June 10. This decision pleased all believers," Haji Surkhay, a member of the Council of Confessor of the Caucasus Muslims Office (CMO), told Report.

Haji Surkhay said that it is normal to perform prayers with a limited number:

"This does not mean that all 50 people will pray together. People will be able to perform their prayers in turn and stages, wearing masks and following the rules of social distance. I hope that in the future, as mitigation measures expand, the number of worshipers will increase. That is, Friday prayers will be held alternately. Other issues will be resolved during the process.

The CMO official believes that the requirement of 50 people to worship now is satisfactory.

"Relevant instructions were given to control the entry and exit of people in the Icheri Sheher mosque, where I am an akhund. They even bought a device to measure the worshipers' body temperature. Crowds are usually observed during Friday prayers. For this reason, people will be allowed to enter on that day in turn. We believe that every believer will follow our recommendations.

"Starting from yesterday, under the recommendations of the CMO chairman, the necessary work has been launched in the country's mosques. Mosques are already clean, but they are still being cleaned again. People who come to worship in mosques will use masks, observe social distance and clean their hands with medical alcohol. Believers also come to the mosque after purification and ablution," he added.

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