Zakharova: West seeks to maintain influence on processes in South Caucasus

The West seeks to maintain its influence on processes in the South Caucasus, including destabilizing the regional situation, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mariya Zakharova told a briefing, Report informs via TASS.

"For this, they are ready for anything, including starting new wars and reactivating old conflicts. I'm not even mentioning interference in the affairs of sovereign states because they do it continuously," Zakharova said.

The Foreign Ministry representative noted that US attempts to make Georgia open a "second front" against Russia clearly demonstrate the danger posed by "flirting" with the West.

"Such behavior should serve as a lesson for everyone who tries to flirt with the US and EU. It's necessary to understand what their promises are worth. First, they will promise mountains of gold, and when needed [...] they will demand to give up sovereignty and independence," she said.

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