Ukraine to expand sanctions against Russia

Ukraine is going to expand sanctions against Russia and its citizens, President Volodymyr Zelensky submitted the corresponding draft to the Parliament, Report informs via RBC-Ukraine.

According to the document, "the bans will apply to Russians, legal entities from the Russian Federation and Ukraine, the ultimate owner, member and participant of which is Russia and its citizens, as well as persons associated with the aggressor state."

However, the sanctions will not apply to Russians living in Ukraine legally.

The project covers several areas: a ban on the withdrawal of capital from Ukraine in favor of individuals and legal entities of Russia, on the use of mineral resources, privatization or lease of state property, on public procurement of goods and services related to Russia.

Besides, Ukraine might prohibit the entry of Russian ships and aircraft into its territory, terminate the issuance of cash and payment cards, the purchase of securities of Russian issuers, NBU permits and licenses for investments in the Russian Federation, etc.

These sanctions, if approved by the Verkhovna Rada (Parliament) will be valid for ten years.

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