Turkey vows security strip at Syrian border

Turkey will continue to create security zones at its borders with Syria, Recep Tayyip Erdogan told the ruling Justice and Development (AK) Party deputies meeting on Wednesday.

"We insist on protecting every inch of our 911-kilometer border with Syria from both the regime and terrorist groups. We will include other parts of our borderline in this security strip," the Turkish president stressed.

Erdogan said that Turkey would respond heavily if its observation posts in northwestern Syria'sIdlib province are targeted, Report says citing Turkish media.

"We are closely monitoring the deployment of the Assad regime and allied militants near the cease-fire lines," he said, stressing that Turkey will abide by the cease-fire deal so long as the Assad regime and its allies do the same.

On March 5, Turkey and Russia agreed on a cease-fire in Syria's northwestern Idlib province.

Under the cease-fire deal in Idlib, located just south of the Turkish border, all military activities are to end there, along with the establishment of a security corridor 6 kilometers (3.7 miles) to the north and south of the key M4 highway.

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