SCO’s anti-terror body ready to help Kazakhstan

The regional anti-terror structure of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (RATS SCO) is ready to provide the necessary assistance to the competent authorities of Kazakhstan upon request, Report informs referring to RIA Novosti that the RATS' executive committee announced.

"The Executive Committee of the Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure under the Shanghai Cooperation Organization is expressing serious concern over the situation in the Republic of Kazakhstan. At the same time, it declares its readiness to provide the necessary assistance of the RATS under SCO in accordance with the established procedure at the appropriate request of the competent body of the Republic of Kazakhstan," the statement reads.

The anti-terrorist structure expressed full support to the decisive comprehensive measures of the leadership of Kazakhstan to ensure public security and protect the constitutional order in the republic.

“We are confident that the measures implemented by the state, law enforcement agencies and special bodies will make it possible to neutralize the illegal actions of terrorist and bandit groups and cells in the shortest possible time,” the statement adds.

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