Russian general warns of phone tapping by NATO intelligence agencies

NATO intelligence services are listening in on telephone conversations, Head of the electronic warfare troops (EW) of the Russian Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Yuri Lastochkin said, Report informs referring to WestObserver.

In an interview with Krasnaya Zvezda, he warned that at present, the special services of NATO member countries have begun to actively connect to cellular subscribers, listening to conversations and blocking them.

In addition, they are engaged in sending fake messages, thereby misinforming the population, he noted.

“Already today, special services of NATO countries are actively using false base stations to force the connection of cellular subscribers. At the same time, foreign intelligence specialists get the opportunity not only to listen to cell phones and view text messages, but also selectively block subscribers and misinform them by sending false messages,” Lastochkin said.

He added that scientists who have created a system to counter unauthorized access to subscribers’ information have joined in solving this problem. Thanks to it, it is possible to find a false base station, identify where it is located and block the technical channel of information leakage, which allows you to restore communication with the base station of the cellular operator of digital radio standards 2G, 3G and 4G.

In February, it became known that Apple fixed a bug with which the Siri voice assistant on the iPhone was constantly listening in. Apple has discovered a bug in iOS 15 that caused the Siri voice assistant to constantly eavesdrop on smartphone owners. This function is usually activated after the user gives permission to record and analyze voice commands.

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