Russian ambassador: Geopolitical situation in the region continues to change 

Azerbaijani political analyst, head of the South Caucasus Political Scientists' Club Ilgar Valizade held an open online lecture in Astrakhan, Report informs.

During the lecture, Russian Ambassador to Azerbaijan Mikhail Bocharnikov made a speech and underlined the significance of the close cooperation of the Caspian countries.

“The geopolitical situation in the region has significantly changed and continues to change: new prospects have appeared in the economic cooperation and development of transport communications. As you know, the second Caspian Economic Forum and the sixth summit of heads of the Caspian states will be held this year. Different documents are being prepared. Therefore, fulfillment of the Convention on the Legal Status of the Caspian Sea signed in 2018, as well as all agreements and protocols related to the convention plays an essential role. Their implementation will make a great contribution to the development of the Caspian region.

Discussions held by specialists and final recommendations will also contribute to the process. They will be taken into consideration by the professional society and specialized government agencies in determining the Caspian agenda,” the diplomat said.

In turn, Ilgar Valizade spoke to the Russian students about the history and existing geopolitical situation of the Caspian Sea. He also touched upon the issues of regional security and militarization. The final part of the lecture was devoted to the unique ecological environment of the Caspian region: “Today, our countries have a high level of communication. We own the Caspian Sea and managed to find a golden mean in relations.”

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