President Zelenskyy outlines pathway to end Ukraine conflict

In his address to world leaders gathered in Bali, Volodymyr Zelenskyy has outlined a series of condition needed to end the war Ukraine.

Report informs via The Guardian that speaking virtually from Ukraine, he said that Russia must reaffirm the territorial integrity of Ukraine, withdraw its troops from Ukrainian territory and pay compensation for damage caused.

Zelenskyy is calling for an international conference to "cement key element of the postwar security architecture" and prevent a recurrence of "Russian aggression".

"When all anti-war measures are implemented, a document confirming the end of the war should be signed by the parties."

Throughout his speech he pointedly thanked the "G19" – excluding Russia – for making it clear that there were "no excuses for nuclear blackmail."

Russian President Vladimir Putin was not in the room, but his Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov was in attendance at the meeting in Bali.

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