President of Tajikistan announces mobilization

President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon announced the mobilization of 20 thousand reserve troops to strengthen the Tajik-Afghan border. The instruction was given to the Minister of Defense Sherali Mirzo during the meeting of the Security Council.

The meeting focused on ensuring security in the border areas considering the aggravation of the political situation in Afghanistan.

President Rahmon also instructed to pay special attention to preventing violations on the state border, including preventing transnational crime, terrorism, extremism, and drug trafficking.

The Taliban have advanced in several northern regions of Afghanistan and now control over 70% of the state border with Tajikistan. In particular, the city of Panjwai in the Kandahar region was completely captured by the Taliban. More than 1,000 Afghan security forces fled to Tajikistan in these battles, and dozens more were captured.

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