Plan of cleaning Manbij from PKK terrorists unveiled

Baku. 30 May. REPORT.AZ/ A technical agreement has been reached between the United States and Turkey on the withdrawal of the terrorist PKK / YPG-PYD group from the west of the Euphrates, Manbij region, Syria.

Report informs citing the Anadolu, an agreement will be announced after a meeting between Turkey's Foreign Minister Mevlut Çavuşoglu and US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo  in Washington on June 4.

The agreement consists of three stages. In the first stage, PKK / YPG-PYD terrorists will leave Manbij within 30 days after the parties signed the agreement on June 4. In the second and third stages, after the agreement on June 4, Turkish and US military men and intelligence officers will start investigating the area at the end of the 45th day. A local government body will be formed in Manbij during the next 60 days after June 4.

Notably, Manbij belongs to Halab province Syria. PKK / YPG-PYD occupied the area in 2016 by driving ISIS with the support of US . It is reported that 90 percent of  Manbij population is Arab. 

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