Outcome of Uzbek presidential elections discussed in Baku

Report informs that the event was attended by heads of a number of Azerbaijani media outlets, who observed the presidential elections in Uzbekistan.

Representatives of the Uzbek embassy in Azerbaijan Bahram Gaipov and Mahamajon Botraliev said that the Azerbaijani media widely covered these elections, which speaks of fraternal relations between the two nations. They emphasized that all the media, whose representatives took part in the trip have their own big audience, due to which this important event in the political life of Uzbekistan was actively covered.

Director of the Report news agency Fuad Guseynaliyev thanked the Uzbek embassy for organizing the visit. He highly appreciated the course of the elections, noting that each candidate was able to present his own election platform. "This shows how Uzbekistan has opened up to the world and is ready for further changes," he said.

In his view, this was also confirmed by an interview with the head of the state company Uztransgaz: “Despite the fact that Uzbekistan is known throughout the world as an exporter of gas, it was especially surprising to learn that the country also imports gas. In addition, Uzbekistan is implementing large projects in the field of gas processing, the transition to renewable energy sources and, in general, in the energy sector."

The director of the Report agency noted that the Uzbek people are very open and friendly. And the results of the elections held in Uzbekistan indicate that the country will continue to actively develop for the next 5 years.

Deputy editor of the Yeni Azarbaycan newspaper Nazira Nurullayeva also highly appreciated the level of organization of the presidential elections in Uzbekistan. She expressed gratitude to the Embassy of Uzbekistan for organizing the trip, noting that during it, media representatives were also able to enjoy the beauty of the country and the friendliness of the Uzbek people.

The editor-in-chief of the Madaniyyat magazine, Zohra Aliyeva, noted that the literary ties between Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan have ancient roots. According to her, during the visit, they visited many cultural centers of Uzbekistan: "We never stopped enjoying the beauty that Uzbekistan gave to the world."

The editor-in-chief of the Region Plus magazine, Namik Mailov, speaking about the activity of voters, noted that the people in Uzbekistan are not indifferent to their future: all citizens went to the polls, regardless of ages. According to him, the organization of the elections was also at the highest level.

Presidential elections in Uzbekistan were held on October 24. The current president of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, won the election with 80.12% of the votes.

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