Oleksandr Prokudin: 30% of Kherson was liberated from occupation

"Kherson oblast is under enemy fire every day. The situation is very tense. Only 30% of the territory has been liberated from occupation, and 70% is still occupied by the enemy," Governor of Kherson oblast Oleksandr Prokudin told Report.

"Currently, 17 out of 49 territorial communities have been liberated from occupation. More than 27,000 facilities in the liberated territories have been destroyed and damaged," he added.

The head of the province said that before the war, more than 1 million people lived in the region: "But now 300,000 people live in these areas."

"We are currently trying to restore buildings and apartments. That's why people are returning to Kherson from other regions and countries of Ukraine," he added.

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