Oil products worth $21M seized at Kolomoyskyi’s enterprises in Ukraine

The Economic Security Bureau of Ukraine has conducted searches at enterprises affiliated with billionaire Ihor Kolomoyskyi, Report informs.

During the searches, the security forces seized oil products worth about 800 million hryvnia (about $21 million).

“Employees of the Economic Security Bureau of Ukraine, together with employees of the Security Service of Ukraine, seized more than 16,000 tons of gasoline and diesel fuel as part of searches at the oil depots of Ukrnafta and Ukrtatnafta in the Odesa and Cherkasy regions,” the bureau’s press release says.

In the near future, the Bureau plans to apply for the arrest of seized oil products, which are planned to be sent to the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Earlier, the Ukrainian special services conducted searches in Kolomoyskyi’s house. Investigative actions were carried out as part of the investigation of fraud in the companies Ukrnafta and Ukrtatnafta. Kolomoyskyi is accused of embezzling 40 billion hryvnia (almost $1 billion) in oil products and large sums of customs evasion.

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