Named a new candidate for post of Armenian parliament speaker

Baku. 18 May. REPORT.AZ/ Armenian president Serzh Sargsyan nominated Ara Babloyan as speaker of the parliament. 

Report informs citing the Armenian media, ruling Republicans Party speaker Eduard Sharmazanov said after the meeting. According to him, Eduard Sharmazanov and Arpine Hovhannisyan will be nominated as vice-speakers.

RPA faction will be headed by Vahram Baghdasaryan, Gagik Melikyan become the secretary of the faction.

Ara Babloyan was born on May 5, 1947.His profession is surgeon urologist. Earlier, he was elected chairman of the permanent commission on social issues, health, maternity and childhood.

Notably, today the first session of Armenian parliament of a new convocation will be held in Yerevan.

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