Media: Armenia not taking UN seriously

The 76th session of the UN General Assembly started in New York a few days ago.

"Many countries take part in the session at the level of heads of state. Armenia does not participate in the session, and this is very strange," said Yerevan today.

According to the agency, Nikol Pashinyan and members of his government team do not attend the session.

Earlier it was reported that Armenia would participate in the session at the level of Foreign Ministers. Yerevan Today noted that representatives of various countries held bilateral meetings, but there was no news about Armenia.

Although the Armenian Foreign Ministry said that FM Ararat Mirzoyan was on a working visit to the United States, the agency claimed that the information about this visit was inaccurate.

"Pashinyan attended the session in 2018 and dedicated all his speeches to the revolution, disgracing Armenia by rejecting the past," the agency stressed.

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