Large chemical plant in Yerevan on fire - PHOTO - VIDEO - UPDATED

Baku. 28 August. REPORT.AZ/ A fire broke out at the Nairit plant in Yerevan.

Report informs citing the Armenian media.

According to press service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Armenia, fire has engulfed the territory of plant.

There are 6 fire brigades at the scene.


Baku. 28 August. REPORT.AZ/ According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Armenia, the fire at the plant is localized and prevented from spreading.

Report informs, rescuers note that a burning substance doesn’t pose a threat.

According to the, fire was preceded by an explosion at one of the reservoirs of the plant.

Smoke and fire are visible from a distance of several kilometers. 

Police clarify the casualties.

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