Khamenei says Iranian economy yet to gain from foreign business visits

Baku. 11 March. REPORT.AZ/ Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on Thursday Iran's economy had not yet benefited from the Western delegations visiting Iran as they had failed to deliver on their promises, Report informs referring to the Reuters.

"We haven't seen anything tangible from these delegations visiting Iran. We are expecting to see some real improvements. Promises on paper have no value," Khamenei said in a meeting with members of the Assembly of Experts, according to state television.

Hardline allies of Khamenei, wary of losing their grip in power, have criticized multi-billion-euro deals with European multinationals since a nuclear deal was reached with six major powers in 2015.

The deal led to lifting of sanctions in January in exchange for Tehran curbing its nuclear program. Pragmatist President Hassan Rouhani has been trying to revive Iran's sanction-hit economy by attracting foreign investment.

Many trade delegations, including Europeans, have visited Iran since the deal was reached, paving the ground to increase economic ties. Rouhani signed a raft of deals when he traveled to France and Italy in January.

Khamenei also praised the high turnout of 62 percent in two crucial elections of parliament and Assembly of experts last month, but warned about efforts by Iran's "enemies' to infiltrate.

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