Iranian champion wrestler Navid Afkari executed

Iran's state TV reports that the country's authorities have executed a wrestler allegedly murdering a man after President Donald Trump asked for the 27-year-old condemned man's life to be spared, Report says, citing AP.

State TV quoted the chief justice of Fars province, Kazem Mousavi, as saying on Saturday: "The retaliation sentence against Navid Afkari, the killer of Hassan Turkman, was carried out this morning in Adelabad prison in Shiraz."

His case had drawn the attention of a social media campaign that portrayed him and his brothers as victims targeted to protest against Iran's Shiite theocracy in 2018. Authorities accused Afkari of stabbing a water supply company employee in Shiraz's southern city amid the unrest.

On September 4, US President Donald Trump called on the Iranian authorities not to carry out the sentence.

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