Hulusi Akar: Biden's statement will affect Turkish-Armenian relations

"The use of term 'genocide' by the US President regarding the 1915 events is nothing but a denial and distortion of the historical realities," Turkish Minister of National Defense Hulusi Akar, said commenting on US President Joseph Biden's statement on the fake Armenian claim.

"Those who use this expression should look at the world and their history. The reason stated by the US leadership is unreliable because there will be no recurrence of an event that does not exist. Such an expression was not used in 2020. What has changed to take such a decision? What do the sane people of the United States think? There is no intellectual or moral explanation for this decision, made at the behest of lobbies that no longer represent the Armenian people. This choice is an instructive decision and statement in terms of intellectual honesty," he said.

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