Heavy snowfall causes school closures in 24 Turkish provinces

Due to heavy snowfall, schools, high schools, training courses, special education institutions, special education courses, and education and rehabilitation centers in 24 provinces of Türkiye have suspended classes for one day, Report informs via TRT Haber.

The closure is aimed at preventing potential hazards such as blizzards, icing, frost, and fog associated with the heavy snow.

Provinces affected include Kayseri, Nevsehir, Ordu, Gumushane, Kastamonu, Bolu, Yozgat, Artvin, Karabuk, Malatya, Giresun, Sinop, Erzurum, Tokat, Aksaray, Kirsehir, Kahramanmaras, Samsun, Trabzon, Nigde, Bingol, Cankiri, Konya, and Karaman.

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