Heads of Turkic Council's Migration Services discuss cooperation amidst pandemic

The heads of migration services and relevant authorities of the Turkic Council member and observer states held a videoconference meeting on May 7. The parties have discussed measures to maintain the current level of economic and trade relations, to mitigate the adverse effects of the coronavirus on the economies of member countries, and to strengthen trade relations during and after the pandemic.

Report says the meeting was chaired by the head of the State Migration Service of Azerbaijan, Vusal Huseynov.

Secretary-General of the Turkic Council Baghdad Amreyev informed the parties about the results of the extraordinary summit of the presidents of the Turkic Council, held on April 10, 2020, and provided information about the meetings of the Ministers of transport, economy, trade, and customs of the Turkic Council held in the format of a videoconference after the extraordinary summit.

The heads of migration services and relevant authorities of the member and observer states exchanged information on measures taken, procedures applied, and statistics related to visa and residence/work permit settlement for citizens of the organization countries. They also discussed ways to provide support and assistance to citizens of the member and observer states, who are temporarily staying for such purposes as studying and working in each other's territories.

The parties agreed not to take administrative/punitive actions against each other's citizens, who violated the visa and residence permit during this process.

They stressed the importance of providing comprehensive assistance and migration benefits to citizens in each other's territories, including waiting areas at airports and border checkpoints, and temporarily easing immigration requirements by allowing migrants to stay in the country of destination beyond the usual period.

Taking into account the significant number of citizens living in each other's territories, the parties agreed to establish a Migration Coordination Group. It will serve to inform each other on time and coordinate the necessary measures to address visa and migration issues of citizens, as well as to expand cooperation during and after the pandemic.

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