Hajiyev: Armenia suffered from own aggressive policy

Armenia needs to understand that for the development of the country it is beneficial for it to cooperate with neighboring countries, said Assistant of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Head of Foreign Policy Affairs Department of the Presidential Administration Hikmat Hajiyev, speaking at the panel session “South Caucasus: Regional Development and Prospective for Cooperation” within VIII Global Baku Forum, Report informs.

Now the situation in the Caucasus has changed. Armenia’s aggressive policy harmed the country itself. Yerevan must change its strategy. Armenia should understand that they need to cooperate and be friends with neighboring countries, because this will help the development of the country, Hajiyev said.

He noted that the restoration of communications in the region and the opening of the Zangazur corridor will give Armenia access to regional projects and will contribute to the development of trade.

It is important for Azerbaijan to receive a response to its proposals for peace, Hajiyev added, reminding that one of the most important problems for Azerbaijan is the issue of demining the liberated territories, but Armenia still refuses to issue all maps of minefields.

Initially, Armenia denied the presence of these maps, but then they handed over some of them, the presidential aide added.

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