Georgian opposition forms new alliance ahead of parliamentary elections

A new opposition alliance has emerged in Georgia as the country prepares for its upcoming parliamentary elections, Report informs.

The alliance brings together three notable opposition parties: Ahali (New), Droa, and Girchi — More Freedom. These parties have officially announced their intention to participate jointly in the elections scheduled for October, potentially reshaping the political landscape.

At the same time, negotiations were also held with the Lelo for Georgia party, although no agreement was reached.

The Ahali party, a key player in this new alliance, was founded just a few months ago by prominent opposition figures. These include Nika Melia, the former leader of the United National Movement (Georgia), and Nika Gvaramia, the founder of the opposition Mtavari Arkhi TV.

Another intriguing member of the coalition is the Droa party, established in 2021 by Elene Khoshtaria.

Khoshtaria is known as one of the most vocal critics of Russia in Georgian politics.

The third member, Girchi — More Freedom led by Zurab Japaridze, was founded in 2020. In that year's parliamentary elections, the party secured 2.89% of the vote.

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