Deputy Minister: Georgia tries to simplify trade with partner countries

"Georgia is trying to achieve trade facilitation with partner countries," Deputy Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia Genadi Arveladze said.

Local bureau of Report informs that he spoke at the international Tbilisi Silk Road Forum.

According to him, the absence of barriers is very important in trade between neighboring countries: "In this sense, non - tariff barriers are the biggest obstacle. We strive to make the transportation of goods through Georgia even easier and unhindered. In this regard, coordination of customs systems of neighboring countries is very important."

Arveladze noted that Georgia is one of the world's most liberal economies:" This is the biggest achievement of Georgia in the last 10 years. Georgia liberalizes the markets of its trading countries. The country has free trade agreements with the European Union, China, regional countries and countries with large economies. These documents are extremely important and help attract investments."

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