Georgia launches first phase of vaccination

The first phase of the coronavirus vaccination has begun in Georgia today.

According to Report's local bureau, at this stage, the drug will be administered only to medical workers on a voluntary basis.

Immunization has started in Tbilisi and 29 regional medical institutions across the country. 35 medical centers will join the process on March 17 and 23 others will launch inoculation on March 19.

Georgia will complete the first stage in two weeks. After the medical workers, residents and staff of nursing homes will be inoculated in the next step. The third stage provides for the vaccination of people over 75.

Georgia received 43,200 doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine on March 13. The next batch will be delivered in the second half of April. After March 22, the country expects 14,500 doses of the Pfizer jab.

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