G7 countries may impose restrictions on imports from Russia

The G7 countries ("Group of Seven" – Great Britain, Germany, Italy, Canada, USA, France, Japan) may impose additional customs tariffs on imports from Russia and Belarus, the Executive Deputy Chairman of the European Commission (EC) Valdis Dombrovskis said, Report informs.

"Export controls have now been introduced for both Russia and Belarus. For Belarus, a number of bans have been introduced on the import of certain categories of goods. It is planned to impose the same bans to Russia," Dombrovskis explained.

According to him, the G7 states are now ready to announce the abolition of the 'most favoured nation' regime in trade with Russia and Belarus, and other countries may join them.

"Canada has already announced this, and work is underway at the G7 level and more broadly to make such a decision. This may become a matter of the coming days," the politician added.

Regarding the energy sector restrictions, Dombrovskis noted that" none of the options is off the agenda", but now it is necessary to prepare for next winter.

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