Expert: OSCE Minsk Group long lost its relevance

According to many international experts, the OSCE Minsk Group has long lost its relevance, and attempts to revive its activities remain unpromising, an expert on interethnic conflicts, a member of the Union of Journalists of Russia Yevgeny Mikhailov told Report.

"The fact that France was present at the last meeting precisely as the leader of the EU and there was no mention of the OSCE Minsk Group, Karabakh and any speculation on the status of the territories speaks volumes and is a very unambiguous message, which implies that there was a certain watershed between what was in 2020-21 and what is happening at the beginning of 2022. The EU is well aware that a new era of relations with conflicting Baku and Yerevan has begun, in which there is only room for constructive dialogue and any speculation is unacceptable," Mikhailov added, noting that all this is the result of Azerbaijan's victorious return of its occupied territories.

He also recalled that Baku has repeatedly pointed out the policy of double standards regarding the provision of financial support for the economies of Azerbaijan and Armenia, and this had its effect.

"What is important now is that a real dialogue has begun. Not just showing mutual claims, but a constructive discussion of precisely those decisions that will contribute to the speedy restoration of relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan. And this is already happening. In addition to the construction of a railway to Nakhchivan through the territory of Armenia, the opening of flights to Turkey, many more projects are planned, in which Russia also acts as an intermediary," the expert said.

He also stressed that sending a UNESCO mission is a very high-quality breakthrough, as in Azerbaijan and Armenia there are many cultural values ​​that need to be protected and restored.

"This is especially important, since Baku has accumulated a lot of claims against Yerevan after the liberation of the territories, where almost all historical and cultural monuments were destroyed," the expert added.

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