Expert: Georgia will not change position on 3 + 3 format

I do not believe that Georgia will change its position on the "3 + 3" cooperation platform, said Ekaterine Metreveli, President of the Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies (Rondeli Foundation).

According to her, the Georgian Foreign Ministry and the local expert community have an open position on the format: "Georgia cannot participate in a format, in which Russia, which occupies 20% of Georgia's territory, participates."

The idea of establishing a cooperation platform consisting of six countries - Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Russia, Turkey, and Iran - was put forward by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev.

First, the platform includes the opening of transport and communication lines between the countries of the region and laying the foundation for future cooperation.

Official Tbilisi considers the joint participation of Georgia with Russia in the "3 + 3" format unacceptable.

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